
  • Sahil Yar Muhammad Muslim Youth University




U.S, China, Taiwan, Great Power Competition, Indo-Pacific, Military Modernization


China has pursued economic development and military modernization for three decades. It has resultantly achieved parity with U.S in many areas including military. Consequently, this has led to an erosion of the deterrence of an ambiguous security guarantee which the U.S had given to Taiwan in case it should come under attack. Uncertain times are upon us. On one hand, precursors to great power rivalries between the U.S and China are being given. On the other, we have unprecedented economic interconnectivity between the aforementioned great powers. Alongside these trends, the increase in Chinese power has led to an increased chance of a Chinese military attack on Taiwan at a time during when the U.S is drawing down its forever wars. What will follow will be the most important challenges to a system which has relatively remained unchanged since the Berlin Wall came down. This research paper will endeavor to understand the possibility of whether China can use the military option on Taiwan as well as the possible options for the U.S if China does do so. This paper will help to understand the contemporary situation if we are brave the storm which is coming.


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How to Cite

Yar Muhammad, S. (2021). TAIWAN: A TURNING POINT BETWEEN GREAT POWERS. Journal of Pakistan-China Studies (JPCS), 2(1), 95–118. https://doi.org/10.55733/jpcs.v2i1.9


